Créé le: 14.09.2020
23 0 0
Because of you and Y

Amour, Anglais, Poème en prose

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© 2020-2024 Jordann

L'histoire d'un amour impossible mais qui vous a fait vibrer!
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Because of you and Y


Because of you and y
Because we are so many years apart
Tied hands and a loose heart
I should run away far


Because of you and y
Because of those deep blue eyes
Sweet sinking feeling
I am afraid of drowning


Because of you and y
Because of this need of you
Trying to reach you
I am flying away from you


Because of you and y
Because of this shy smile
So hard to go away
I hate those many miles


Because of you and y
Because of those hands
Wanting and needing
I hold nothing but sand


Because of you and I
Because of this mined land
Blowing dreams away
I may not want to land.

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