Créé le: 08.12.2020
46 0 3
First lady


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© 2020-2024 Jordann

© 2020-2024 Jordann

Une épouse de président américain ne doit guère apprécier d'être prisonnière de son statut de potiche, des conventions, et scrutée par tous sans aménité.
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The First Lady is dreaming
Of a day without meaning
Maybe just going shopping
Doing some street walking
The First Lady is dreaming
Of giving up the comedy
Being rude with the press
Tell about the Pope’s mistress
The First Lady is dreaming
Of spending her evenings dancing
Painting the White House in pink
Filling it up with music and drink
The First Lady is dreaming
Of an entire day without smiling
To scream at her mother-in-law
Have a romance with Redford
The First Lady is dreaming
Of a full night of love making
Dismissing her guarding-body
Walking around like anybody
The First lady is awakening
Back to the usual nightmare
Potus snoring like a bear
Soldiers running everywhere,
A war starting somewhere!

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